Learn Everything About Stem Cells – In Simple Terms

summer ready

Now is the time to get your body in shape for the summer. Time to start hitting the gym hard, having a healthy diet, drinking a lot of water, and getting proper rest. Now that you’re doing your part, it’s time for us to help you look your best. We offer the latest proven techniques for cosmetic breast surgery, including the “internal brassiere” to help lift your breasts, and breast augmentation using the axillary (underarm) incision, that leaves no scars on the breast. In March, we offer breast augmentation with gel implants for $5500 complete. That’s a saving of $1000 off the regular price. Breast lifts with the internal brassiere ADM grafts are only $4200, a $1500 savings off the regular price. Call 281-626-7990 to schedule your appointment

Smart Lipo update
Want to get rid of that little “pooch” under your chin, in your abdomen, or between your thighs? Try Smart Lipo. It’s a procedure done in the office under local anesthetic for the permanent removal of fat cells. Don’t waste your time on “noninvasive” removal procedures. Smart Lipo takes 1-2 hours and you are back to work the next day. Call 281-626-7990 to schedule your appointment

Eat, drink, and be healthy
A recent European study showed that alcohol consumption while eating fish raised omega-3 fatty acid levels in the participants. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for lowering triglycerides and decreasing plaque formation in arteries. Wine drinkers had higher levels of omega-3 than beer drinkers, but both had higher levels than not drinkers who ate fish. This only pertains to moderate drinkers. Heavy drinkers had lower levels of omega-3s.