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Dermal Fillers

Are you thinking about experiencing dermal fillers?  These products are used to restore a youthful facial appearance while helping to keep you looking like yourself at the same time.  A common brand name filler used by many surgeons is Restylane®.

In the 80s and 90s, plastic surgery sometimes produced a pulled-tight surgical look.  Then came the ‘liquid facelift’, which did the opposite.  Injections of dermal fillers are now used to enhance cheekbones, jawlines, and lips. But, in many cases, instead of subtly enhancing features some women receive too much filler and become puffy and swollen-looking.

Injecting dermal fillers correctly takes a combination of anatomical understanding, years of experience, and a sense of artistic shape.  Practitioners with these skills are usually board-certified plastic surgeons or dermatologists.   In today’s world, these qualified practitioners usually find themselves reversing too much of a good thing – usually finding too much dermal filler that was injected by an unqualified, or inexperienced practitioner.  To reverse this process, enzymes like hyaluronidase are used to break down or deflate the over-effects from fillers such as Restylane®, Juvederm®, or Perlane®.

According to the January issue of Marie Claire, the year 2013 will usher in a subtler more conservative use of fillers. The article points to icons such as Diane Keaton, Lauren Hutton, and Meryl Streep. In these women, you can’t tell whether or not they’ve had work done. They look great, like themselves, and not like they’re trying to pass for 30. Marie Claire interviewed a prominent NYC plastic surgeon who recommends going to a cosmetic surgery consultation armed with photos of yourself throughout the years, so your doctor can see the original shape of your face and how it has aged over time.

Before picking up the syringe, good plastic surgeons look at you long and hard by evaluating your 1) skin quality and texture, 2) tissue tone and thickness, 3) cheek and lip volume, 4) bone structure, and 5) how your face looks when animated and how it looks when still.

An experienced, knowledgeable injector will avoid common mistakes such as these: adding volume to deep-set eyes can recess the eyes further and make them look smaller; overinflating nasolabial folds and marionette lines can take away midface structure, and overfilling cheeks can make the under-eye area appear hollow.

Are you considering dermal fillers?  Put yourself in the hands of a board-certified plastic surgeon.  Dr. Perlman will help you to consider all aspects of dermal fillers and will proceed slowly and with accuracy.  Call our office today at (281) 644-0013 to schedule your consultation!