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You know it by its many names: porridge, cereal, stirabout. Call it what you like, oatmeal is an important part of your everyday breakfast. This healthy concoction can be prepared with milk, sugar, or any flavor additive. Some people, on the other hand, prefer its unsweetened version and use it as a substitute for their rice, bread, or any staple carbohydrate.

Today, oatmeal is marketed in various forms. It comes in ready-to-eat porridge, cookies, bread, and cake. Other uses of oatmeal also include soaps, pet food, alcohol, or some topical or cosmetic applications.

Indeed, oatmeal serves many purposes. But oatmeal isn’t limited to esthetic uses. A growing number of health benefits can be derived from oatmeal. For one, it lowers the cholesterol and blood glucose levels. It promotes healthy metabolism and is great for weight control.

Oatmeal also reduces the risk of heart disease. In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration announced that regular intake of oatmeal helps remove bad cholesterol. Its high fiber content contributes to a low-fat diet and is great for weight-conscious individuals as well as athletes. Research also shows that oatmeal reduces the risk of developing diabetes by controlling the body’s sugar levels. Rich in antioxidants, oatmeal also reduces the risk of cancer.

Moreover, this breakfast staple is also good for keeping the linings of blood vessels healthy. Recent studies found out that a fiber-rich snack is better than a high-glycemic meal. Ditch those cornflakes and switch to oats for a healthy breakfast. You owe it to yourself.